Sample Lessons

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Hands holding a Raspberry Pi Breadboard Circuit including switches, resistors, jumper wires, LEDs, and a GPIO header.

Lesson A-15:
Nested If Statements & String/Integer Conversion

This lesson is included in the following courses:

  • Electronics + Coding Standard Course
  • Electronics + Coding Complete Course
  • Robotics Course

In this lesson, you'll learn to use logical statements in your Python code by adding increasingly complex criteria to your if statements including nested if statements and indentation formatting. You'll then move on to learn how to convert an integer to a string and vice versa, a very useful skill when building Python programs.

Nested If Statements

Strings vs. Integers

Activity #1

Activity #2

Activity #3

Want to see a complete list of the skills taught in each course?
Click here: Electronics + Coding Standard Course, Electronics + Coding Complete Course, Robotics Course

Raspberry Pi Breadboard Circuit Including OLED Screen, Piezo Speaker, and Ultrasonic Range Sensor Controlled Using Python Code

Lesson B-13:
Level Shifting &
Infrared Sensors

This lesson is included in the following courses:

  • Electronics + Coding Standard Course
  • Electronics + Coding Complete Course
  • Robotics Course

In this lesson you’ll learn how to shift the signal level using a 74LVC245 Level Shifting Integrated Circuit, so your Raspberry Pi can work alongside devices that have a different preferred voltage level. You'll then use that knowledge to learn about both infrared obstacle sensors and line sensors including how they work as well as the Python code required to properly read their signals. 

Signal Level Shifting

Infrared Obstacle Sensors

Infrared Line Sensors

Activity #1

Activity #2

Activity #3

Raspberry Pi Breadboard Circuit Including Speaker, Amplifier, and Raspberry Pi Camera

Lesson C-6:
Working with Audio

This lesson is included in the following courses:

  • Electronics + Coding Complete Course
  • Robotics Course

This lesson will teach you about the audio capabilities of the Raspberry Pi and how they can be used to add audio to a project. You'll work with the PAM8302 amplifier including understanding amplifier gain and distortion. You'll then learn to use audio input and output devices such as a microphone and speaker along with the GPIO pins used to output audio. You'll then move on to learn to use code to control audio functioning including specifically the arecord and aplay commands. 

Working with Audio Part One

Working with Audio Part Two

Working with Audio Part Three

Hands adjusting Raspberry Pi Camera on robot sitting next to laptop computer

Lesson D-11:
Robot Motor Pulse Width Modulation & Calibration

This lesson is included in the following course:

  • Robotics Course

In this lesson you'll learn to control your robot's motor speed using pulse width modulated signals which allow for moderated speeds in between the 0% and 100% speeds available through the Raspberry Pi's high/low digital signals. Moderated speeds are useful for making turns and following a line course. You'll also learn to systematically calibrate the two motors so your robot moves in the desired direction.

Robot Motor Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) & Calibration

Want to see a complete list of the skills taught in each course?
Click here: Electronics + Coding Standard Course, Electronics + Coding Complete Course, Robotics Course

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