Curious what we teach in the Level A Lessons? Level A starts at the very beginning and systematically teaches you to work with electrical components to build circuits, use a Raspberry Pi, and write common code commands in Python (the fastest growing computer programming language).
Click here to view sample lesson videos, activity instructions, and more.
SCOPE AND SEQUENCE FOR the level a lessons
Lesson 1: Introduction to Components: Batteries and Breadboards
- What is Electricity?
- Static Electricity vs. Current Electricity
- Voltage, Current, and Resistance
- What is a Circuit?
- Short Circuits
- Open Circuits vs. Complete Circuits
- Circuit Components
- Batteries
- Anode vs. Cathode
- Breadboards
- Soldered Circuits vs. Breadboard Circuits
- Breadboard Connections and Power
- Activity: Powering Breadboard Connections
Lesson 2: Introduction to Components: Resistors and LED
- Resistors
- How Resistors Work
- Using Resistors to Build Circuits
- Calculating Resistance Value
- Light Emitting Diode
- How LEDs Work
- LED Polarity
- Pairing Resistors and LEDs
- Calculating Forward Voltage
- Activities
- Activity #1: Build a Circuit to Illuminate an LED
- Activity #2: Build a Series Circuit
Lesson 3: Series vs. Parallel Circuits and Ohm’s Law
- Series vs. Parallel Circuits
- Limitations to Series Circuits
- Resistor Use in Parallel Circuits
- Understanding Voltage, Resistance, and Current in Serial vs. Parallel Circuits
- Ohm’s Law
- Introduction to Ohm’s Law
- Mathematical Formula
- Ohm’s Law Calculation Example
- Activities: Build a Parallel Circuit
Lesson 4: Introduction to Components: Jumper Wires
- Jumper Wire
- Uses for Jumper Wire
- Size and Type of Jumper Wire
- Spacing Components to Avoid Short Circuits
- Activity: Build a Circuit Using Jumper Wires
Lesson 5: Introduction to Components: Switches
- Switches
- Common Uses for Switches
- Types of Switches
- Maintained vs. Momentary
- Normally Open vs. Normally Closed
- Poles and Throws
- Labeling Components
- Activities
- Activity #1: Controlling Two LEDs with One Switch
- Activity #2: Using Two Switches to Independently Control LEDs
Lesson 6: Introduction to Components: Red-Blue-Green LED (RGB LED)
- Common Anode vs. Common Cathode
- Proper Placement in Breadboard
- Activities
- Activity #1: Illuminate the Red Element of the RGB LED
- Activity #2: Add the Blue Element on a Switch
- Activity #3: Controlling Colors on a Switch
Lesson 7: Troubleshooting Circuits
- Introduction to Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Steps:
- Verify There is a Failure
- Check the Simplest or Most Likely Solution First and Retest
- Half-Splitting
- Repair the Problem and Retest
- Practical Applications
- Intermittent Problems
- Equipment Failure
- Activities
- Activity #1: Building and Troubleshooting a Circuit
- Activity #2: Additional Troubleshooting Practice
Lesson 8: Introduction to Reading Schematics
- Schematics
- Reading Schematics
- Common Schematic Symbols
- Wires
- Power
- Switches
- Resistors
- Diodes
- Capacitors
- Transistors
- Integrated Circuits
- Header
- Activities
- Activity #1: Building a Series Circuit Using a Schematic
- Activity #2: Building a Parallel Circuit Using a Schematic
- Activity #3: Working with a Schematic
Lesson 9: Setting Up the Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi Hardware
- Raspberry Pi Software
- Types of Software
- Raspian OS
- Python
- Nano
- Thonny
- Types of Interface
- Terminal
- Understanding Sudo and Update Commands
- APT-GET Update
- Activities
- Activity #1: Installing the Raspberry Pi in a Protective Case
- Activity #2: Connecting Peripherals to the Raspberry Pi
- Activity #3: Safely Powering the Raspberry Pi On and Off
- Activity #4: Connecting the Raspberry Pi to the Internet
- Activity #5: Updating the Raspberry Pi’s Software
Lesson 10: Introduction to Software: Terminal and Thonny
- Nano Overview
- Thonny Overview
- Error Checking Options
- Activities
- Activity #1: Creating a Python Program in Nano
- Activity #2: Creating a Python Program in Thonny
- Activity #3: Exploring Thonny’s Error Checking Features
Lesson 11: Creating Python Programs
- Program Flow
- Strings
- Variables
- Spaces and Capitalization
- Integers
- Equations
- Print Command
- Printing a String
- Printing a Variable
- Order
- Activities
- Activity #1: Reading and Writing Basic Python Code
- Activity #2: Writing Basic Python Code
Lesson 12: Code Organization, User Input, and Merging Strings
- Keeping Code Organized
- Carriage Returns
- Comments
- Formatting Comments
- Commenting Out Code
- User Input
- Merging Strings (Concatenation)
- Activities
- Activity #1: Reading and Writing Python Code
- Activity #2: Writing a Simple Program in Python
Lesson 13: Math Functions, Lists, and Importing Modules
- Math Functions
- Lists
- Formatting Lists
- Index Values
- Importing and Using Modules
- Time Module
- Random Module
- Activities
- Activity #1: Exponential Math Calculations
- Activity #2: Importing the Random Module
- Activity #3: Random Dice Program
- Activity #4: Importing the Time Module
- Activity #5: Times Up! Game
Lesson 14: Introducing If/Else Statements
- Boolean Logic
- Coding Comparison Operators
- Connecting Multiple Logic Expressions
- Programming for Decisions
- If Statements
- Else Statements
- Using Multiple Statements Inside an If Statement
- Elif Statements
- Formatting Concerns
- Activities
- Activity #1: Using Boolean Logic
- Activity #2: Deciphering Code
- Activity #3: Writing Logical Code
Lesson 15: Nested If Statements and String/Integer Conversion
- Nested If Statements
- Indentation
- Strings vs. Integers
- Converting a Value to an Integer
- Converting a Value to a String
- Activities
- Activity #1: Add Five Years to Your Age
- Activity #2: Age Calculator
- Activity #3: Guess A Number
Lesson 16: Controlling a Breadboard Circuit with the Raspberry Pi
- General Purpose Input Output (GPIO)
- Pin States: Low vs. High
- Outputs
- GPIO Header
- GPIO Pin Numbering
- GPIO Header Pin Assignments
- Python Commands and Process for Working with GPIO Pins
- Importing Module
- Specifying Pins
- Cleanup Operations
- Activities
- Activity #1: Preparing the Equipment for Connection
- Activity #2: Powering an LED Using the Raspberry Pi
Lesson 17: Loops
- Introduction to Loops
- Coding Loops
- Activities
- Activity #1: Build a 4 LED Circuit
- Activity #2: Create a Program to Test Circuit Functionality
- Activity #3: Using Loops to Control LEDs
Lesson 18: Final Project: Two Player Reaction Game
- Inputs
- Electrical Differences in Configurations
- Another Random Module Command
- Other Uses for the Time Module
- Trimming a Long Number
- While Loops
- Activities
- Activity #1: Add Switches to the Circuit
- Activity #2: Coding the Two Player Game